
High-Quality, Consistent Antibody Conjugation Services

Unlock The Potential Of The Strong Molecular Interaction Of Biotin-Avidin/Streptavidin For Your Assay

Biotin’s small size and strong affinity for avidin/streptavidin (SA) make biotinylated molecules an important research tool. The interaction between biotin and avidin/SA has been utilized for years in many protein and nucleic acid detection and purification methods. Elevate your research with our comprehensive biotin conjugation service. Allow us to provide biotinylation services for your antibodies and proteins to enable various applications including ELISA, flow cytometry, immunoprecipitation, immunohistochemistry, and more. Our decades of experience provide precise labeling and customizable strategies tailored to your experimental needs.

Key Benefits

How it Works

Why Biotin?

Biotin’s small size and exceptional specificity to streptavidin/avidin enable precise targeting and isolation of biotinylated molecules, ensuring reliability in experimental settings. Its versatility spans various biomolecules including proteins and antibodies, offering unmatched flexibility in experimental design. With reversible biotinylation allowing for potential molecule recovery post-studies, coupled with easy detectability using cost-effective techniques, biotin emerges as one of the most important components in the development of highly sensitive diagnostics assays and laboratory kits.

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What To Expect

Our competitive pricing, swift turnaround (7-10 days), and high yields (>80%) combined with attentive customer communication make us your top pick for antibody and protein labeling. We deliver premium-quality products, adhering to rigorous quality control standards. Whether it’s one antibody or thirty, our adaptable platform caters to all requirements, ensuring satisfaction at every step.

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