Fluorescent Reporter Antibody Conjugation

High-Quality, Consistent Antibody Conjugation Services

Conjugation and Purification Services for Fluorescently Labelled Antibodies

With careful attention to detail and proven labelling chemistry, we combine cutting-edge fluorescence technology with highly specific antibodies, creating a potent tool for use in diverse applications from cellular imaging to flow cytometry. Elevate your experiments with optmized F/P (Fluorescence/Protein) ratios which are key to signal-to-noise ratio. Leinco can deploy multiple types of labelling chemistry (amine labelling, site specific, and other methods) based on your application, fluorescent reporter, and target marker. Our process ensures unparalleled accuracy and sensitivity, enhancing your research and diagnostics. Choose your label from traditional fluorescent labels like R-PE, APC, FITC or newer technologies like AlexaFluor™, Q-dots, polymer dyes, or tandem dyes (energy transfer).

Key Benefits

How it Works

Why Leinco is the Solution

Leinco stands out in fluorescent reporter antibody conjugation because of our dedicated collaboration ensures precision in conjugation, seamless validation, and thorough quality control for fluorescently labeled antibodies. Count on our experienced team to deliver meticulously crafted conjugates, empowering your research with enhanced fluorescence imaging capabilities.

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What to Expect

Our competitive pricing and swift turnaround (typically 7-10 days) combined with attentive customer communication make us your top pick for antibody labeling. We deliver premium-quality products, adhering to rigorous quality control standards. Whether it’s one antibody or thirty, our adaptable platform caters to all requirements, ensuring satisfaction at every step.

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