Improving the Cost-Efficient Generation of Reproducible Data in Immuno-Oncology Studies
This case study compares PD-1, PD-L1 and CTLA4 antibodies from Leinco Technologies vs a competitor’s products in a series of in vivo mouse experiments. The objective of the study was to evaluate the in vivo efficacy on tumor growth and tolerability of the various clones.
In this case study, you’ll learn that:
- Generating reproducible data from immune-oncology in vivo studies depends on many factors, including the availability of high-quality antibodies.
- Antibodies from Leinco Technologies for in vivo use are supported by extensive QC data.
- An independent study comparing in vivo efficacy on tumor growth and tolerability of various clones showed that antibodies from Leinco Technologies had superior performance compared to those from another supplier.
- Antibodies from Leinco Technologies support cost-efficient generation of reproducible data from animal models in the study of immuno-oncology.

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