Emerging infectious diseases are defined by the NIAID as “infectious diseases that have newly appeared in a population or existed but are rapidly increasing in incidence or geographic range, or that are caused by one of the NIAID Category A, B, or C priority pathogens.” These categories consist of organisms and biological agents that pose the highest risk to national security and public health with characteristics such as easy dissemination/transmission, high mortality rates, potential for major public health impacts requiring special action for public health preparedness, and may cause public panic/social disruption. While some treatments are available for these pathogens, they vary depending on the specific pathogen and stage of infection. Early detection with reliable diagnostic tests, prompt medical intervention, and appropriate infection control measures are critical in managing emerging infectious disease infections effectively.

Dengue Virus
(Causative agent of Dengue Fever)

Capture: D220 (clone DENV-7846)
Detection: D221 (clone DENV-1679)

Capture: D222 (clone DENV-4014)
Detection: D223 (clone DENV-7846)

Rift Valley Fever Virus
(Causative agent of Rift Valley Fever)

Capture: R216 (clone RVF-6252)
Detection: R213 (clone RVF-2824)

Capture: R217 (clone RVF-1333)
Detection: R219 (clone RVF-7655)

Ebola Virus
(Causative agent of Ebola Virus Disease)

Explore our full list of Category A, B, and C pathogen products below!



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