Mikrogen Diagnostik recomLine Tropical Fever IgM Lateral Strip Test Kit (7873)
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Product DetailsDescription As the Zika virus epidemic continues to spread, reliable differentiation of Zika virus from related viruses has been challenging, particularly in areas with a long history of endemic Dengue. Both Zika virus and Dengue virus belong to the same family of flaviviruses. Many Dengue assays detect antibodies to the viral envelope (E) protein which cross-react with E protein of other flaviviruses such as Zika (ZIKV), Yellow Fever (YFV), West Nile Fever (WNV), Tick-borne Encephalitis (TBE), and Japanese Encephalitis (JEV). However, detection of antibody to the NS1 protein has been reported to have minimal cross-reactivity with NS1 proteins of different flaviviruses. The recomLine Tropical Fever immunoblot combinesNS1 and E proteins into one assay in order to distinguish antibodies to Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika viral proteins. Research Use Only. For Sale In the United States Only. To purchase outside of the US, please contact Mikrogen. Country of Origin Germany Related ProtocolsLateral Strip Assay |